Changes in symptoms are clues that can help your doctor determine the best treatment plan for you. While abdominal pain is a common symptom, it’s important to talk to your doctor about how your pain specifically impacts you.
If you’re having diarrhea so frequently that you are adjusting your routine around it, this may be a sign that your Crohn’s is active.
Frequent bowel movements is a common symptom of Crohn’s disease. It’s a sign that inflammation may be present in your gastrointestinal (GI) tract. Be sure to mention this to your doctor, especially if you notice any changes in your bowel movements.
Eating a healthy diet and getting the appropriate number of calories is important.
Poor appetite may deprive your body of essential vitamins and minerals. Limiting what you’re eating to try to prevent symptoms may indicate a change in your condition. Even small changes are worth mentioning to your doctor.
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You’ve indicated that you may be experiencing changes in your symptoms since your last doctor visit:
Make sure you tell your doctor about these symptom changes. This may mean your Crohn’s is active. Sharing this information will help them decide if you should explore other treatment options.
You've indicated that you're not experiencing any changes in the included symptoms since the last time you saw your doctor. But you may be experiencing additional Crohn’s symptoms that you’ll want to discuss.
At your next appointment, it's worth mentioning any and all symptoms you may be experiencing and how they impact you. The more your doctor knows about your condition, the better they can help you come up with a plan to reach your treatment goals.
Email or download your results to bring to your next appointment.
Enter your email address.
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Abdominal Pain
Abdominal pain is a common symptom of Crohn’s disease, but everyone experiences pain differently.
You’ve indicated that you’re not experiencing pain. Although you're not currently experiencing pain, it's very important to tell your doctor if this changes. Even mild discomfort is something your doctor wants to know about, since it can help them stay on top of your condition.
You’ve indicated that you’re a little uncomfortable. Even if you think your pain isn’t too bad, any level of pain tied to your Crohn’s disease should be discussed with your doctor.
You’ve indicated that you’re very uncomfortable. The intensity of your pain is very important to discuss with your doctor. When you talk about your pain, make sure you include how your severe pain impacts your plans and routine.
You’ve indicated that the pain is unbearable. Consider talking to your doctor immediately about how the high intensity of pain is impacting your life and specifically how it affects your day to day routine.
Be sure to tell your doctor if:
You’ve indicated that you typically have diarrhea time(s) per day.
Make sure you tell your doctor about any changes with your bowel movements since your last visit.
Let your doctor know if you have made any of the below accommodations.
Blood in Your Bowel Movements
You’ve indicated that you have noticed blood in your bowel movements.
Blood in your bowel movements is a common symptom of Crohn's disease. It's a sign that inflammation is present in your gastrointestinal tract. Be sure to mention this to your doctor, especially if this has changed since the last time you spoke.
Impact on Your Daily Routine
Your doctor wants to know about any time you modify your daily life due to pain or other Crohn’s symptoms. This information helps him or her understand your unique experience with Crohn’s disease.
Crohn’s disease is linked to inflammation, one cause of which is believed to be TNF alpha (a protein that occurs naturally throughout your body). If your body produces too much TNF alpha, it can cause inflammation.
The goal of Crohn’s disease treatment is remission—few or no symptoms. This can be accomplished with medication that controls the chronic inflammation causing your symptoms. For moderate to severe Crohn’s patients, biologics are one type of treatment that you and your doctor may explore.
Diet Restrictions
You’ve indicated that you have chosen to avoid meals, certain foods, or change your diet.
While there’s no evidence that what you eat causes Crohn’s or the underlying inflammation, it may aggravate symptoms. Changing your diet or avoiding certain foods you believe are triggering symptoms could also be depriving your body of important vitamins, nutrients, and calories. These changes could be a sign that inflammation is uncontrolled, and are worth sharing with your doctor.
Use this information to tell your whole story–what’s different, and what’s gotten worse or better since your last appointment. This information helps connect the dots so your doctor can provide the right treatment for you.
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